No not the Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom Holding Company. Just recently I saw an ad on Fox for the Kingdom . . . They hold majority shares in the most, American of Companies . . .
Amazon, AOL/Time Warner, Apple Computers, Boeing, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Compaq, eBay, Ford, McDonald’s, News Corporation, PepsiCo, Proctor & Gamble, Walt Disney, etc.
They own Fox . . . And do you know who they are?
They are one of the largest Saudi Companies, owned by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz. Doesn’t sound familiar? He’s not just a Saudi Prince. Remember 9-11? Remember the Prince who donated $10,000,000 to the survivors relief? That was Prince Alwaleed.
The then Mayor, Giuliani, accepted a check from the Prince and a day later, he returned it, because it was accompanied with an anti-Semitic statement concerning U.S. Policy.
Much later a donation was made to Phillips Academy in Andover for $500,000 for a scholarship fund, in honor of President George H.W. Bush.
Now I wonder if he has a say in how his media empire reports the news? You can bet . . .
Dan Hanosh
Warriors and War
. . . Brave Men Never Die
They Live in the Hearts
and minds of others.
Tags: Amazon AOL/Time Warner Apple Computers Boeing Citigroup Coca Cola Compaq eBay Ford McDonald's News Corporation PepsiCo Walt Disney
tags: Dan Hanosh
Warriors and Wars Political The Brave Few

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