That’s simple, writing stories for Hallmark. To me, that’s why I write. To write something that will make others feel once again . . . Everyone experiences pain yet they keep their feelings smothered deep within.
Imagine a mother losing her child in Iraq or Afghanistan? How unbearable that must be and yet we avoid feeling what they feel. Cindy Sheehan comes to mind.
The other day I met a young man at Starbucks, a stranger. He was a two time cancer survivor. He told me that he had just got the all clear and graduated with four degrees. He was so happy. You know bubbling over happy.
I’m not sure why people tell me things, but they do. I learned long ago to care, to listen intently and to be sincere. I always make eye contact and always tell the truth.
And so I asked him, “When your friends found out you had cancer, did they stop coming to see you?”
I wanted to say abandoned, but I know how alone that would have made him feel . . . Sometimes we have to shape what we say to soften their pain.
“Yes,” he said as tears filled his eyes. “It’s like I had the plague or something. But my family . . . They were there for me.”
We talked for at least thirty minutes and before we left, I wished him the best and shook his hand.
And so one day I will write his story, because everyone needs to know what may be going on in the mind of the person next to them.
Dan Hanosh
. . . Brave Men Never Die
They Live in the Hearts
and minds of others.
tags: Dan Hanosh
Warriors and Wars Short Stories The Brave Few

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