Today, CSPAN was showing a repeat from Oct 2, or 3 hearing. The head of Blackwater was testifying in front of a Senate Panel . . . And most of the Senators thanked him . . . And today more Iraq’s were killed by a group of unknown contractors . . . This time two women were killed. Iraq’s want the contractors to be tried in Iraqi courts . . . And they want Blackwater to pay, 8 million dollars to each of 17 families . . . That’s 136 million dollars in retributions . . . Folks who do you think will pay that?
At some point our Government needs to come clean . . . Never have we used thugs to fight an American War. At some point those contractors will become our Achilles heal . . .
Ironically, Achilles was a warrior for hire, who was allegedly brought down by a wound to his heal.
And I wonder . . . The CEO said his firm was Americans fighting for America, right . . . They maybe Americans, but their not fighting for me, they are fighting for a buck, killing for a buck.
And all the Senators on both sides of the isle have always known and just weren’t talking to the American people . . . But now they play dumb. So many excuses have been used . . . But how did this all happen? Now they’re saying this isn’t even a war . . . So were back in Vietnam after all.
What are they thinking? They want us to believe that the Democrats will end the war, change things . . . What a load of crap. They gave the President war time powers, without even questioning why he needed it. And all the checks were taken away. And the American people are in the dark, you know, blind and feeling around for the truth . . . We kind of know, but no one is saying. Why?
My Opinion . . .
Remember Anthrax? That was a CIA venture to thwart those that wouldn’t readily go to war . . . The media, the democrats . . . With this administration any thing goes. Anything for the motherland . . . Oops, I mean homeland. The Brave Few . . .
Dan Hanosh
Dreams are yours to Share
Day 42 Zero Days 11
Current Miles/Day (20 M/D) 7.4
Total Miles . . . . . . 189.6
Average Miles . . . 4.5
Weight Loss (100 lbs). . 15 lbs
( ) . . . My Goals Go to Trail Journals
My Books: Just Released . . . Sleepless Nights, AuthorHouse, 2007
A continuation of The World . . . through a poets eyes.
The World Outside My Window, AuthorHouse, 2004
My Mission . . . Dreams are yours to share is dedicated to DREAMS, learning to dream again, learning to be happy again. Everyday we are bombarded with unhappiness, news of wars, killings, lies and deceit. And no where can we go to balance the load . . . My message is simple, change only happens when we change. Happiness is contagious and it stops wars dead . . . Find you bliss, follow your dreams, live a life with no regrets . . . Dreams are Yours to share.
Links: Dreams Are Yours To Share
Warriors and Wars
The Moon Also Rises
This Side Of Midnight
The World Outside My Window
Dan Hanosh
Dan’s Room 2 Write
Copyright © 2007 by Dan Hanosh. All rights reserved.
Technorati Tags: Dan Hanosh’s Warriors and Wars, Warriors and Wars, themoonalsorises, dreamsareyourstoshare, thissideofmidnight, theworldoutsidemywindow, Dan Hanosh’s Sleepless Nights, Sleepless Nights, sleeplessnights poetry book, Dan Hanosh’s Sins of a Father, Sins of a Father, sinsofafather book, Dan Hanosh’s The World Outside My Window, The World Outside My Window, poetry, Dan Hanosh’s poetry, Dan Hanosh, Rambling on the wires, Ramblings on the wires, Dare to Dream, The Brave Few, Warriors and Wars The Brave Few, thebravefew, Politics, One Man's Thoughts On Life, Opinions, my opinion, Anthrax, CIA, Iraq War, Blackwater, Senate hearings, CSPAN, administration
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