The Way Back Machine

C o m i n g S o o n . . . M y N e w B o o k . . . S l e e p l e s s N i g h t s . . . P l e a s e V i s i t . . . M y O T H E R S I T E S . . . D r e a m s A r e Y o u r s T o S h a r e . . . d h a n o s h ' s B l o g . . . A n d M y P o e m s . . .

Thursday, November 01, 2007

What We Need In A Leader

It’s really very simple . . . It’s what most of us loved about Bill Clinton. Hillary doesn’t know it yet. John Edwards has it . . .

I worry that our next President will be the same as all the rest . . . We need a change. We need a leader who’s excited about this Great Country. Sure there are so many problems and yet who’s leaving . . . Not me.

I don’t want a leader that’s afraid to cry . . . I want one that really feels our pain. Bill Clinton always was sincere. You can’t hide that . . . So many have tried and it just falls on deaf ears. We can not afford another Republican, not now . . .

From one Republican to all Democrats, Independents and free spirited Republicans, we need balance. Don’t screw this up trying to over compensate for King George . . . You have to fix some things, right away . . . For one, Health care. This is your shot, maybe your only chance. Don’t screw it up trying to avoid securing the boarders . . . We have to come together or we’re doomed . . .

Today 1 in 196 homes are being foreclosed on . . . Wow, that’s over half a percentage point, .5%. What does that mean to new home sales? They’ve been flushed . . . What does that mean this winter? Home builders will be laying off . . . Or looking for cheaper labor.

We didn’t have these problems with Bill . . . We didn’t have the huge deficit with Bill . . . We didn’t have soldiers dying with Bill . . . Oil prices were contained with Bill.

Now everyone will have you believe that no one could prevent all that. But that’s not exactly true, now is it . . . ? With Bill Clinton savings interest rates were at an unheard of low. The stock market was flat. Bonds paid a little better. Silver, well, it just was . . . Oil prices were down. So which do you prefer?

Let me ask you, do the higher interest rates allow you to make more money on your money or do you have less money to invest?

Usually we forget the cost of higher rates . . . And that is, everything else costs more too. The Brave Few.

Dan Hanosh
Dreams are yours to Share

AT Dream Training
Day 61
Current Miles/Day (20 M/D) 8.0
Total Miles . . . . . . 258.2
Average Miles . . . N/A
Weight Loss (100 lbs). . 18 lbs
( ) . . . My Goals Go to Trail Journals

My Books:
Just Released . . . Sleepless Nights, AuthorHouse, 2007
A continuation of The World . . . through a poets eyes.

The World Outside My Window, AuthorHouse, 2004

My Mission . . . Dreams are yours to share is dedicated to DREAMS, learning to dream again, learning to be happy again. Everyday we are bombarded with unhappiness, news of wars, killings, lies and deceit. And no where can we go to balance the load . . . My message is simple, change only happens when we change. Happiness is contagious and it stops wars dead . . . Find you bliss, follow your dreams, live a life with no regrets . . . Dreams are Yours to share.

Links: Dreams Are Yours To Share
Warriors and Wars
The Moon Also Rises
This Side Of Midnight
The World Outside My Window
Dan Hanosh
Dan’s Room 2 Write

Copyright © 2007 by Dan Hanosh. All rights reserved.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting post! I would like to say that people in any part of the world will surely like to have a president who can feel 'the pain', not by fantasying about the future but in deeds and action.

Nice blog, by the way :)