The Way Back Machine

C o m i n g S o o n . . . M y N e w B o o k . . . S l e e p l e s s N i g h t s . . . P l e a s e V i s i t . . . M y O T H E R S I T E S . . . D r e a m s A r e Y o u r s T o S h a r e . . . d h a n o s h ' s B l o g . . . A n d M y P o e m s . . .

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Sensed There Was A Problem . . .

Today I took my GMC 3500 truck into the dealer. My service guy, he acted strange . . . He has always been good to me. I should explain. Before I bought my first GMC I checked out the service department. I meet everyone, I was hunting for a long term relationship . . . I told them I planned on buying at least five more trucks and I wanted to buy from someone that would treat me good. That was four GMC trucks ago and that company is long gone . . . But I followed the service rep. to another dealer . . .

And today for the first time he insinuated that the dealership would likely get mad at him for doing the right thing. My tail light had fell out. It was screwed in too tightly from the factory, broke the clips that held it. He more or less said that his boss would probably be mad that he warnteed it . . . He would probably lose his job.

So this is what has happened to our American Dream? So when are you going to wake up? At what cost will corporate pressure keep you from doing the right thing?

It happened to me long ago. I tried to sell a demo as a new computer, pressure from the bosses . . . The whole deal went to hell, no sale, no commission, no referrals . . . And today, no one will tell me not to do the right thing, ever. I will have their job in a flash . . . But that’s me.

So when does an employee have to do the right thing, have to take a stand? Would you?

The Enron fiasco cost a whole lot of people to lose so much and it was only brought down by someone who talked . . . The fox is in the hen house, we must take a stand. We can’t let fear beat us down . . .

My service man, he took a stand for me and when he gets the axe, I’ll go where he goes . . . The Brave Few. Dan

Dan Hanosh
Dreams are yours to Share

My Books:
Just Released . . . Sleepless Nights, AuthorHouse, 2007
A continuation of The World . . . through a poets eyes.

The World Outside My Window, AuthorHouse, 2004

Links: Dreams Are Yours To Share
Warriors and Wars
The Moon Also Rises
Dan’s Room 2 Write

Copyright © 2007 by Dan Hanosh. All rights reserved.

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